For beautiful flowers, hand delivered to H B Magruder Memorial Hospital, 615 Fulton St, Port Clinton, OH, 43452
We Deliver Fresh Flowers to H B Magruder Memorial Hospital
Send beautiful flowers and gifts to H B Magruder Memorial Hospital today
We invite you to order online before 12p.m. or call our shop directly at 1-877-729-2680 to schedule same-day flower delivery to H B Magruder Memorial Hospital in Port Clinton Monday through Friday.
For local florist delivery to H B Magruder Memorial Hospital in Port Clinton, OH
Teleflora's Gerbera Brights
Starting at US$73.99
Simply Sweet
Starting at US$63.99
Morning Sunrise Bouquet
Starting at US$99.99
Uplifting Moments Arrangement
Starting at US$73.99
Sweet Splendour
Starting at US$63.99
Wonderful Wishes Bouquet
Starting at US$73.99
The Dancing Butterflies Basket
Starting at US$99.99
FTD's Best Year Bouquet
Starting at US$84.99
Love and Laughter in a Clear Vase
Starting at US$79.99
The Sweet Beginnings
Starting at US$84.99
The Sweetest Blooms
Starting at US$74.99
Teleflora's Three Cheers For You!
Starting at US$94.99
The Flower Shop is one of the few "Top Ranked FTD Florists" for several reasons. Our selection of flowers, plants and gourmet gifts are unmatched. Our freshness, quality products are coupled with our on-time delivery policy and are all backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Customer service is always with a smile. The Flower Shop has been delivering beautiful flowers, plants and gourmet gifts to H B Magruder Memorial Hospital for years.